Monday, August 19, 2019


8/18 830am
I feel cheated. I want more. I am hurt.
After i got up this morning, but before I left the bedroom I heard her wake up. I went over and hugged her. She asked what's up know something was. She knows me well. I told her I wanted more last night. She smiled and hugged me. She said its probably best because she was "touching some feels." She said that last night, in the middle, when I stopped and started at her. It hurts to be rejected. I dont like to hear stop from her. This is going to get hard. I see what she means by a roller coaster in our past. I imagine it was what I felt like when I tried really hard and then stopped. At least I have plans for the next two days. Today and tomorrow are her days off. I know why she liked to leave a lot.
I kinda want to talk to her about this, but I'm not sure how. I think just apologizing about the rollercoaster and saying I'm getting a small taste will keep it about her. That's what I want to get across. Not that I'm hurting. I just dont want to go back to friends.
And of course she gets up, comes to me, sticks her feet under my legs and puts her head on my shoulder. I told her I think I know how that rollercoaster felt, I'm sorry. Goes to show that immediately exploding into emotions after being hurt is not the way to go. What did I used to say? Acknowledge, feel, move on.
Exhausting day. Wrote out my resignation letters, emailed one and put the other in my bag. Saw my sponsor and talked about four. I help father in law install a toilet. I also worked for a few morning hours. I feel like I got nothing done, but looking back at my day ot went well. I'm avoiding helping Lucy move into the other room. I want to keep her in her. I know it's wrong and I really haven't had the time, so when I do I will. I'm making it a higher priority. I'm going to read some AA while waiting for her to come home.

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